Gratitude is not only the way you express appreciation for what you have, but it's stating an expectation of amazingly good things to come. (And remember what you expect is generally what you experience!)
It's easy to overlook how the things you do to help the world actually help you back. And gratitude is one of those things.If you look closely at any successful person's profile, you see time and time again how that person got repeated "lucky" breaks, or was in the right place at the right time. Or you see how someone starts a company to do X, but ends up with massive success doing Y. (Example, Nokia started off as a tire company. Mixonian Institute started off only with private coaching services.)
In the case of Mixonian Institute, every single one of our big sales breakthroughs has come when we weren't trying to sell. (Getting married to Ruben is another example of good coming when I wasn't looking for it.) Karma is real and gratitude amps up the good on your side of the ledger.